Indonesia, Islam, and Democracy: Dynamics in a Global Context
It brings fresh insight to the growing influence of Islam which is often ignored by foreign observers. It breaks away from the common analysis of the current political situation and uncovers the lineages of the influence of Islam in Indonesia politics since the collapse of the Suharto era. As with many newly democratic countries, Indonesia faces common problems such as crisis of leadership, ethnic and communal conflicts, and the clash of Islam and the West. Indonesia, Islam, and Democracy: Dynamics in a Global Context brings fresh insight to the growing influence of Islam which is often ignored by foreign observers. Azyumardi Azra, a noted historian, breaks away from the common analysis of the current political situation and uncovers the lineages of the influence of Islam in Indonesian politics since the collapse of the Suharto era. Even before its foundation, Indonesia struggled to balance the demands of nationalism and Islam. The famous seven words of the Jakarta Charter obliging citizens to follow shariah law were removed in the preamble’s final draft, but President Soekarno later devised the Pancasila (five principles of state) as an explicit compromise between the secular and religious philosophies of the state. Azyumardi Azra’s Indonesia, Islam, and Democracy: Dynamics in a Global Context, part of a commendable effort to bring the work of prominent Indonesian intellectuals like Azyumardi to an international audience, shows how the struggle continues as Indonesia returns to democracy in the twenty-first century.
KP XXI.000035 | KP XXI AZR i | My Library | Available |
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