Breaking down the walls: violence against women as a health and human rights issue Jodhpur, India, march 14-19, 1998
This report summarizes the regional meeting that took place in Jodhpur. It is our hope that the report will contribute in a modest way towards raising awareness of the need to address violence as a critical issue of women's health and rights. The basic institution of the society is family and in order to form a family the function of the women folk is very essential. A man in a family can be said to be incomplete without a woman. Inspite of the important role played by a woman in the formation of a family, it is really very difficult to find out the status and real position of women in Indian society. Gender inequality is a global phenomenon. So also in India woman have been facing many problems for several centuries which are not yet solved. The actual position or status of Indian women differs from region to region, from class to class and from caste to caste. There is a wide cultural and intellectual gap between urban educated and rural illiterate women. Human Rights are those basic and inalienable rights which the human beings possess by virtue of being born as the member of the human community and without exercising these basic rights the very existence or survival of human beings would be simply a impossibility. Since these rights belong to them because of their very existence, they become operative with their birth. Human Rights, being the birth right are, therefore, inherent in all the individuals irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, sex and nationality. Human Rights have immense significance to human beings and these basic rights are always associated with the physical, moral, social and spiritual welfare and also upliftment of the people. From this it may be said that women being human beings, do possess the human rights and the human rights are meant not only for the men folk of the society. Inspite of having these sacrosanct rights, the women have always been neglected and dominated in the society by the male powers, and their rights have also been rampantly violated without any consideration
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