Human rights monitoring and documentation series : what is monitoring
This short, practical manual is intended for documentalists and information workers of human rights organisations. It provides an overview of the subject of human rights monitoring by first discussing what is meant by monitoring. It also discusses the various types of monitoring carried out by inter-governmental agencies, governmental bodies and non-governmental organisations. It includes sections on how and where to get data, how to monitor a situation, how to monitor a case and how to analyse data.Violations of human rights are major challenges confronting the Nigerian nation. These violations come in many forms including torture, domestic violence, arbitrary arrest and detention, sexual assault, extra-judicial killings, among others. An increase in violent conflict and the instability that it creates is often linked to an increase in violations of human rights. Nigeria faces a number of destabilizing factors including a dormant but ever threatening militancy in the Niger Delta region, ethnoreligious violence in the Middle Belt, and a violent insurgency in the North East. With these violent conflicts comes an increase in armed actors including government security forces and non-state actors, who often become perpetrators of human rights violations. Human rights defenders are working across the country to prevent and seek justice for these violations; however, they face many challenges including a lack of resources, skills, and cooperation from authorities. National and international human rights groups, including government institutions like the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), rely on local human rights monitors for reliable information and reports that stir debate on policy changes and encourage better enforcement and protection of human rights. It is therefore imperative that more grassroots human rights monitors are trained to monitor, document, and report human rights violations
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