gender budgeting has been quickly established and developed every year in terms of the number of target project and scale of the budget, despite its limited time frame. in order to ensure the good …
As human exchanges have increased between countries in the era of economic globalization, human trifficking in persons has emerged as a serious global issue. the gravity of the issue has been subst…
This study is based on a part of driverse attempt to promote gender equality city. specifically, this study attempt to investigate whether gender-equality cities in korea have the potential to esta…
Conversies are currently underway in south korea over the shift welfare paradigm. in reality, however, the nation has rarely taken into account gender perpectives in setting the direction for its f…
the goal of the third-year project in 2013 was to develop mid-to-long-term policy directions at the national level by analyzing both family changes and related laws and policies in key policy areas…
Secara sistematis buku ini terdiri dari tiga bagian. bagian pertama menunjukkan concern hendardi pada demokratisasi di Indonesia. bagian kedua mendedah secara partikular rezim pemilu. bagian ketiga…
Salah satu enigma yang mengundang kontroversi dalam perjalanan panjang aktivisme pergerakan hendardi adalah keberpihakan dalam gerakan antikorupsi. teka-teki tersebut berkaitan dengan bagaimana seb…
Gender pada dasarnya adalah perbedaan jenis kelamin yang bukan biologis dan bukan kodrat Tuhan. Gender adalah perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang didasarkan pada konstruksi sosial dan mel…
Selain peluncuran KAI, pada saat yang bersamaan, PERADI juga menyelenggarakan acara pengukuhan dan pengambilan sumpah anggota Dewan Kehormatan Pusat (DKP) dan Dewan Kehormatan Daerah (DKD) DKI Jaka…
Proses reformasi peradilan telah berjalan sejak tahun 2003 dengan berbagai terobosan, diantaranya penyusunan cetak biru pembaruan peradilan, pembentukan tim pembaruan peradilan yang beranggotakan p…
in one's old age, people wish to still have productive and active lives without being isolated by the society. this is what many people hope and worry about. for centenarians to still have an activ…
Due to Changes in the functioning of the family and family structure, as well as shifts in related family values, spousal relationship in old age in korea have grown more important.
Violence against women (VAW) is not only a type of dicrimination but also a grave infringement of human rights. the UN and nations in the world deal with the eradication of VAW and the protection o…
Amidst all this, the whole process procceded with the drowning out of voices concerned about women's political representation. after many twists and turns, the two major political parties, the saen…
Affirmative action is a public policy adopted and implemented in many countries, but its logic and programs have been constructed within each country's different context. Advanced cases indicate th…
As of 2008, 84.9% of single mothers aged between 13 and 19 had discontinued their schooling. while the constitution and the framework act on education guarantee the right to learn, the education of…
The current administration has spent around half of its term exerting itself to realize a creative economy. it is time to review the results of government wide efforts for the promotion of creative…
The korean government has implemented various policies to solve problems of overeducation, difficulties of young people's getting a job, and difficulaties of securing skilled workforce. Through the…
The prospect of multicultural families including families of marriage migrants and of naturalized immigrants is not limited to korean society but extends to and closely related with country of orig…
Indeks Negara Hukum Indonesia pada tahun 2017 adalah 5.85, mengalami kenaikan meskipun dengan selisih yang tidak terlalu signifikan (0.54 poin) dibandingkan tahun 2016 (5.31). Dengan angka indeks t…