in one's old age, people wish to still have productive and active lives without being isolated by the society. this is what many people hope and worry about. for centenarians to still have an activ…
Due to Changes in the functioning of the family and family structure, as well as shifts in related family values, spousal relationship in old age in korea have grown more important.
Violence against women (VAW) is not only a type of dicrimination but also a grave infringement of human rights. the UN and nations in the world deal with the eradication of VAW and the protection o…
Amidst all this, the whole process procceded with the drowning out of voices concerned about women's political representation. after many twists and turns, the two major political parties, the saen…
As of 2008, 84.9% of single mothers aged between 13 and 19 had discontinued their schooling. while the constitution and the framework act on education guarantee the right to learn, the education of…
The current administration has spent around half of its term exerting itself to realize a creative economy. it is time to review the results of government wide efforts for the promotion of creative…
The korean government has implemented various policies to solve problems of overeducation, difficulties of young people's getting a job, and difficulaties of securing skilled workforce. Through the…
The prospect of multicultural families including families of marriage migrants and of naturalized immigrants is not limited to korean society but extends to and closely related with country of orig…
To improve the people's perception of welfare, "restructuring of the welfare delivery system toward a people centered and customized system" has been underway as a national agenda. as welfare servi…
Hasil dari penelitian ini sangat bermanfaat dan muncul di saat yang tepat untuk kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dampak terbesar dari pengurangan risiko penyiksaan terdapat dalam tindakan-tindakan yang me…
Buku tersebut berisi tentang bagaimana tips dan trik memulai latihan atau olahraga pada lansia, gerakan apa yang aman dan dibutuhkan untuk menunjang fungsi anggota tubuh atau organ yang dimaksud. T…
Salah satu problem utama pendidikan di Indonesia adalah rendahnya produktivitas karya akademik yang berkualitas. Hal ini bukan saja terkait dengan rendahnya mutu sumber daya manusia yang menjadi te…
As housing proverty and housing division have aggravated, there has been a growing demand for expanding housing support policies. also, the necessity for changing housing support policies has surfa…
Gender budgeting in korea, despite its short history, has an incredibly sound legal and institutional basis. however, this does not guarantee a gender equal society. in order for GB to become estab…
Elderly care is a concept that comprehends multiple level of care, ranging from professional care for convalescence to daily care and emotional care. professional care for convalescence is a servic…
The present study deals with management strategies and methods for gender impact assessment (GIA) focusing on mid/long term plans and public institution project in the policy areas of culture, agri…
while it is unarguable that the utilization of female talents is essential in achieving the government's national agenda of 70% employment rate, the employment rate of women aged 15 or older is mer…
First, the klowf collects longitudinal data most suitable for supporting polices on women and families as well as related studies. it would certainly be possible to carry out analyses, evaluation, …
Affirmative action is body is closely related to fairness and is thus deemed to be a means to achieves social fairness. does korean society ensure equality in opportunity and outcome ? can every c…
Legal change have been made in korea regarding family issues, to abolish the gender discriminatory legal portion of inheritance by amending the civil Act, to improve women legal status through intr…