Pembahasan terkait dengan HIV AIDS yang penyajiannya dalam bentuk Komik dan stand up human rights
This section provides an introduction to human rights principles, the links between human rights and poverty, and how health is protected by the human rights legal framework. It outlines the elem…
This report is divided into three main sections. The first section contains a summary of each presentation. The second section summarizes the discussion and the third details the recommendations an…
Since 1995, WHO with its partners has consistently encouraged governments to improve the effectiveness of national machinery for the advancement of women, and have advocated at the highest politica…
The Consultation was organized by the Women's Health and Department programme of WHO. It focused on violence against women by partner/ex partners which is one of the most pervasive forms of violenc…
This joint statement by WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF and World Bank, identifies the issues involved in the selection of appropriate interventions and outlines the policies and legislative actions that are es…
Comics about HIV AIDS and human rights in the USA teenagers.