Hak atas kemerdekaan dan keamanan pribadi adalah hak asasi manusia yang hakiki, yang tercermin dalam larangan internasional atas pendentensian sewenang-wenang, dan didukung oleh hak atas kebebasan …
Pengungsi merupakan bagian dari orang-orang yang paling rentan sedunia. konvensi 1951 tentang pengungsi dan protokol 1967 membantu untuk melindungi mereka. keduanya menunjukkan hak dari para pengun…
Refugee are ordinary people who have lost everything. But they can regain their livelihood, their homes and their dignity with your help.
The United Nations High Commissioner for refugees was establishes by the U.N. Generally Assembly in 1950, one of several attempts by the international community during the 20st century to provide p…
UNHCR provides assistance not only to refugees, but increasingly to other categories of displaced or needy persons.These include asylum seekers, refugees who have returned home but still need help …