Laporan setebal 155 halaman, "'Seolah Saya Bukan Manusia': Kesewenang-wenangan terhadap Pekerja Rumah Tangga Asia di Arab Saudi", disusun berdasarkan penelitian selama dua tahun dan 142 wawancara d…
Migration offers both opportunity and risk. Perhaps nowhere is this more apparent than in the tremendous flows of contract labor between Asia and the Middle East. On the positive side, workers send…
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Aceh (DPRA) hingga saat ini telah mengesahkan lima (5) Perda yang diilhami Syariah tentang berbagai hal, mulai dari pemberian amal, judi, hingga pengaturan ritual I…
Though Mexico grapples with political, economic, and legal reforms, it has failed to focus much-needed attention on human rights violations. If the administration of President Enesto Zedillo is to …