Modul yang ditangan pembaca ini adalah bahan pegangan bagi para fasilitator dalam kegiatan transfer pengetahuan dan keterampilan resolusi konflik yang bernuansakan agama dan etnik. Resolusi konflik…
One of the main topics addressed in the event was the role of public opinion, the mass media and their manipulations in the public life. This book also covers the issues of “Islamism, Democracy a…
buku ini memuat hasil riset tentang dinamika masyarakat sipil meretas jalan perdamaian di Indonesia,Timor timur,Filipina serta Papau New Guinea.Penerbitan buku ini bertujuan memfasilitasi pertukara…
this book is intended to demonstrate to readers how significant Ethnic and Religious conflict have been in Indonesia,and what their relations are toward the decline of Indonesian communal Cohesion.…
Hasil Survei Pusat Bahasa dan Budaya (PBB), kini Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC) UIN Jakarta, selama tahun 2004-2005 menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua masyarakat Muslim Indonesia p…
The studies presented in this book, amongst other things, examine the operations and activities of organizations operating in the field of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia, and looks at the unique…