This Regional Review provides a description and assessment of laws, policies and practices within the ASEAN region related to trafficking in persons (TIP) – with a particular focus on the identif…
1.The ASEAN Political-Security Community has its genesis of over four decades of close co-operation and solidarity. The ASEAN Heads of States/Governments, at their Summit in Kuala Lumpur in Decembe…
Violence against women (VAW) is a violation of human rights which is a form of discrimination against women. It is a manifestation of historically and structurally unequal power relations and inequ…
merupakan laporan aktivitas ASEAN dari tahun 2002-2003 dalam beberapa proyek seperti lingkungan, keilmuan dan teknologi, budaya dan informasi, dan pembangunan sosial, termasuk kesehatan, pendidikan…
Tahun 20027 ASEAn genap berusia 40 tahun. Selama itu telah ada capaian yang telah diraih salah satunya terciptanya perdamian dan stabilitas di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Buku ini berisi perkembangan t…