Violence against women (VAW) is not only a type of dicrimination but also a grave infringement of human rights. the UN and nations in the world deal with the eradication of VAW and the protection o…
Through a regional joint programme ‘Partners for Prevention’, UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV have worked together to undertake the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Paci…
Recent policies related to the safety of women have been mainly ex post facto remedies focused on the punishment of the attacker. however, in order to reduce violence against women, it is necessary…
Gender equality issue has been emphasized in discussion on development cooperation in the international community, including the organization for economic for economic cooperation and development a…
To resolve men-oriented social conventions and guarantee the human rights of sexual violence victims, gender -sensitive anaysis is necessary. so far, lots of cases of violence against women are ac…
This paper is designed to continuously identify women and family relate legislative tasks and to thereby support the gender-sensitive legislation of the national assembly, etc. legislation signific…
The convention on the elimination fo all forms of discrimination against women, has the status of an international treaty which members of the united nations are encouraged to ratify. CEDAW was ado…
Children's diverse experiences during periods of conflict, post-conflict and peacetime reveal that their roles in society and political communities are complex. Based on this premise, this book sug…
This book is a reader on violence againts women and their children from khown men. the aim is to present the way in which violence againts women is theorised, and how research and activism have led…
Ten Years have passed since the beijing conference. some sisters around the world have acknowledged that there has been some progress related to commitment towards the BPFA on the part of governmen…
With sexual violence increasingly posing a serious issue, demand for related policies is on the rise. policies and support services have accordingly been developed or expanded in various sectors, y…
Gender issues cut across all sector of society, regardless of political, economic or social context, and their articulation in situations of political violence and armed conflict are often particul…
becoming gender aware is to understand the constraints placed on women and men due to prejudices inherent in the construction of their norms, values and behaviour define the roles and…
This annual note of 2010 is compilation record of violence againts women occurred all through 2009 (January to december). As usual, data in this annual note were compiled from partner institutions …
Human rights are widely understood as fundamental entitlements that are inherent to all persons simply because they are human beings. while the idea of human rights has been around for a long time,…
Political instability in the recent past has highlighted the potential dangers to women Indonesia never more evident than the shocking rape of ethnic chinese women during the 1998 rioting
Since the 1970s, violence againts women has become a main issue of concern among women around the world. in many countries, including japan, much effort has been put into creating a body of knowled…
A starting point of defining culture is thinking about the beliefs, knowledge and behaviours that people have in common. However, individuals from a cultural group, or a community within it, do not…
This report provides the project with a current and thorough picture of published research into: - The impact on children of exposure to domestic violence - The profile of symptoms typically pres…
This section of the Training Manual has two aims: 1. To provide some basic legal information for front line workers dealing with family and domestic violence and children 2. To canvass some of th…