Sekalipun sudah terbukti bahwa ekonomi rakyat mampu menjadi penyangga (buffer) bagi ekonomi nasional dan membantunya keluar dari krisis ekonomi, namun perhatian terhadap ekonomi rakyat semakin jauh…
Krisis yang dialami Indonesia memiliki dampak yang bersifat multi dimensional, namun informasi tentang krisis tersebut masih sangat kurang. Pemahaman tentang krisis oleh banyak orang sering ditafsi…
Its prime objectives are to improve international understanding of issues relating to children's rights and to help facilitate the full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Chil…
During the past decade the forces of political transformation and economic globalisation have created a world of new opportunities and hope for many, but increased instability and insecurity for ot…
This book focuses primarily on local government budgets, with the first part of the book containing a thorough analysis of women in local government budgets as well as case studies of five municipa…
This paper is concerned with the way macro-economic strategies can affect the incidence of poverty, especially among women, and also with the effectiveness of various forms of government interventi…
Negara-negara Asia pada masa krisis ekonomi ini banyak sekali yang terguncang. Namun untuk negara Indonesia merupakan negara yang cukup parah terkena dampaknya yang kemudian mengakibatkan timbulnya…
Jarang orang yang mengaitkan aspek ekonomi mikro dengan ekonomi mikro. Tidak ada salahnya bila kaitan ekonomi mikro dan ekonomi makro dibuat dalam suatu formasi pemikira.
The women's budget series is not about a separate budget for women. Rather it is an examination of the gendered impact of all parts of the government's annual budget on the citizens of the country.…
Latest findings in this book should sound a global alarm. They are a call for action by governments, the United Nations and other international institutions, NGOs, the private sector and people eve…