Mengenai pola kinerja UNICEF dalam perkembangan anak
Menetapkan standar dari praktek yang benar mengenai perlindungan dan bantuan bagi para korban perdagangan anak mulai dari identifikasi awal hingga integrasi akhir dan penyembuhan anak tersebut.
Some of the country programmes dealing with women in development have been quite successful in UNICEF's East Asia and the Pacific Region in the process of empowering women. The following pages docu…
Keberhasilan Global dalam melawan HIV/AIDS hendaknya terhadap anak-anak dan generasi muda kita. Apakah mereka mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk melindungi dari diri HIV? Apakah anak perem…
The Commercial sexual exploitationof children asumes many form and has many face. Children are enslaved by a chain of actors, all of whom profit in someway. The chain can be long, linking a child …
This draft paper, based on a field study begun in 1998, is presented to share experiences, knowledge and lessons learned in Angola and El Salvador, two countries where child soldiers were used wide…
Title from caption. Published by: UNICEF, Division of Information, 1992- Latest issue consulted: 1996, no. 1 (Mar. 1996). SERBIB/SERLOC merged record Formed by the union of: African kora; Action fo…
Focuses on independent human rights institutions for children and the urgent need to create such institutions in every country in the world to protect, promote, and monitor children's rights. This …
Throughout the world, marriage is regarded as a moment of celebration and a milestone in adult life. Sadly, as this Digest makes clear, the practice of early marriage gives no such cause for celebr…
Buku panduan bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam deteksi dini dan pelaporan tindak kekerasan terhadap anak.
Membahas aspek-aspek yang berhubungan dengan hak asasi anak-anak di Asia Pasifik
During the past decade much has been done globally to provide quality basic education for children, an obligation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In reviewing the research literature…
The UNICEF Annual Report 2003 spotlights our medium-term strategic plan, the organization's blueprint for fulfilling the promises of the Millennium Development Goals. It highlights the progress mad…
The 2002 UNICEF Annual Report summarizes major trends affecting children worldwide and the results secured by UNICEF and its partners on their behalf. The first section describes issues, challenges…
The UNICEF Annual Report summarizes the work of UNICEF and its partners in creating a world fit for children. The first section focuses on results achieved in five priority areas: early childhood, …
Focuses on girls' education as one of the most crucial issues facing the development community today. Girls are the focus because they are the ones who are usually left behind, because what benefit…
Mengenai pola kinerja UNICEF dalam perkembangan anak