Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang kian pesat saat ini membuat banyak perubahan dalam sejarah peradaban manusia. dengan segala kemajuan teknologi banyak dampak positif yang dihasilkan dimana…
Amnesty International si worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected. al's vision for every person to enjoy all of the human …
Di Papua, salah satu cadangan emas terbesar di Indonesia yang teridentifikasi terletak di wilayah yang dianggap sebagai hotspot pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pasukan keamanan pemerintah. Masyara…
Kebebasan sipil di indonesia terancam dalam beberapa tahun ke belakang. saat melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas yang sah untuk mendorong penegakan HAM, para pembela dan organisasi HAM menghadapi ancaman…
becoming gender aware is to understand the constraints placed on women and men due to prejudices inherent in the construction of their norms, values and behaviour define the roles and…
This booklet is designed for human rights activists, women's organizations, other human rights organizations and Amnesty International members. It offers activist practical advice on how to develop…
Making Rights a Reality? explores the way in which disability activists in the United Kingdom and Canada have transformed their aspirations into legal claims in their quest for equality. It unpacks…
A new resource to arm lawyers, defendants and the judiciary with the tools to fight against unfair trials and injustice is published by Amnesty International today. A practical guide on the inte…
Laporan ini disusun menggunakan pekerjaan Amnesty International sebelumnya mengenai kekerasan terhadap perempuan di dalam komunitas miskin dan termarginalkan di Indonesia. Laporan ini juga menerusk…
The report, The State of the World’s Human Rights, delivers the most comprehensive analysis of the state of human rights around the world, covering 159 countries. It warns that the consequences o…
The Amnesty International Report 2013 documents the state of human rights during 2012. The Foreword and the country-by-country survey of 159 individual countries and territories set out a global …
This book documents the state of human rights in 159 countries in 2009. It deatils a year in which accountability seemed a remote ideal for many, as people's lives continued to be torn apart by rep…
Kaum perempuan dan para gadis menghadapi berbagai rintanan dalam memenuhi hak- hak seksual dan reproduktif mereka di Indonesia- rintangan itu berakar pada diskriminasi gender. Rangkaian undangan- …
This human rights primer outlines key features of economic, social and cultural rights. It highlight not only the obligations of governments with in their own countries but also their international…
There are around 138,000 women in jails and prisons in the USA, more than three times the number of women who were incarcerated in 1985.(4) Much of the increase is due to the so-called "war on drug…
Gender is used to describe those characteristics of men and women which are socially determined, in contrast to those which are biologically determined. The word ‘gender’ was used by Ann Oakley…